Immunocan, the joint institute Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center – Institut Mérieux laboratory (FDUSCC-IM), created in May 2010 and ended in 2017, was conducting ambitious scientific research projects on oncology in China. Its 2 founding partners, Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center (China) and Transgene (part of Institut Mérieux, France) wished to increase their translational medical research cooperation with European countries. In a first step, collaboration enlarged to an active partnership with Danish, Italian and German teams, with the following objectives:
- increase the EU-China knowledge exchanges in the field of cancer prognosis – by organizing in China summer schools, seminars and international conferences, as well as by hosting PhDs and post PhD research fellows in the joint institute,
- enhance the research capacity and the technological transfer to the joint institute – by providing adequate human resources and equipment to conduct beyond the state-of-the-art oncology research,
- promote a reference Euro-Asian centre on Chinese cancer prognosis – by spreading the knowledge and by raising awareness in China and European Union.
Research activities were held in China in collaboration with the new European partners, in order to enhance current research activities of the joint institute and to create durable links between Chinese and European teams.
Research was focused on immune phenotype as personalized medical biomarker for prognosis of Chinese cancer patients, and was extended to new types of cancer and biomarkers. These prognosis studies helped to guide clinical decision-making by facilitating the selection of appropriate treatment options.
» Immunocan presentation slide
Partners and Sponsors
• Founding members: | ![]() | ![]() | |
• Partners: | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
• Sponsors: | ![]() | ![]() |
In addition to its partners and sponsors (on the right), the joint institute Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center – Institut Mérieux laboratory (FDUSCC-IM) also benefits from the contribution of its collaborators:
Immunocan network
Person in charge of scientific and technical/technological aspects:
The international cooperation program IMMUNOCAN has been divided into 5 work-packages addressing the needs for:
- The enhancement of existing collaborations and encouraging the emergence of new partnerships.
- The enhancement of the research capacity of the FDUSCC-IM laboratory to conduct ambitious research activities.
- The necessary management of the project.
The first work-package aims at increasing knowledge exchanges between Europe and China in the field of cancer prognosis by:
- Hosting European PhDs and post-doctorate research fellows in the joint institute.
- Hosting summer schools and seminars in Shanghai.
The second work-package plans to create optimal conditions to host young and fellow researchers, enhancing the research capacity and the competence transfer to the joint institute by providing adequate and gender-balanced human resources as well as equipment to conduct beyond the state-of-the-art oncology research.
The third work-package focuses on the scientific activities resulting in an increased European involvement in the joint institute. In order to strengthen and expand the joint institute as a Euro-Chinese leading laboratory in cancer prognosis, current research directions will be pursued and new investigations will be jointly developed leaning on European partners’ expertises. Research activities will be organized around 6 topics, each being addressed by various partners of the project, according to their expertise field.
The fourth work-package intends to promote the joint institute as a leading Euro-Asian centre on Chinese cancer prognosis by:
- Promoting the joint institute and raising awareness on cancer prognosis research in both China and Europe.
- Organizing in Shanghai a final international conference on personalized markers for cancer prognosis.
The fifth work-package will be in charge of IMMUNOCAN coordination, management and administration, essential tasks in an international collaborative project.
News history
- 18 February 2015 - Oral communication, 10th annual Biomarkers Congress, 23-24 Feb 2015, Manchester, UK:
- 18 February 2015 - 2015 International Conference, November 12-13, Shanghai:
Sponsored by Institut Mérieux and Air France KLM
(Air France - KLM identifier code for discount, valid from 7 to 20 november 2015 : 025022AF)The 2nd Euro-Asian Experts Conference on Immune Biomarkers for Personalized Medicine in Oncology will take place in Shanghai on November 12-13, 2015. Chairs: professor Laurence ZITVOGEL (Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France) and professor Xuetao CAO (President of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciene, Beijing, China). Co-chairs: professor Zhimin SHAO (Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center, Shanghai, China) and doctor Romain Micol (Transgene, Strasbourg, France).
Sessions Program (Full program available in PDF):
- Session 1: Targeted treatment therapy to tackle tumor heterogeneity
- Session 2: A recipe to reactivate immune surveillance?
- Session3: How to break tolerance and to shape patient immune system?
- Session 4: Targeting key players of tumor-associated inflammation
- Session 5: Fine-tuning the immune system to improve the action of standard treatments
- Session 6: IMMUNOCAN NETWORK : Predictive and prognostic biomarkers in Chinese population
- Session 7: CLARA NETWORK
- Session 8: Glycan Biomarkers in Cancer
- 12 August 2014 - 2nd Summer School, Wuhan October 15th-17th 2014:
The second IMMUNOCAN Summer School takes place in Wuhan from 15th to 17th October, 2014.
You can find more information on
- 11 August 2014 - France-China health forum, Beijing August 15th-17th 2014:
50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties
between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of France - 01 July 2014 - Visit of FUSCC-IM by INSERM, July 1st 2014:
Visit of FUSCC-IM by Yves Lévy (CEO, INSERM) and Philippe Arhets (International affairs, INSERM), July 1st 2014.
- 19 June 2014 - Symposium on France-China cooperation, June 19th-20th 2014:
IMMUNOCAN is participating to the symposium « Enseignement supérieur, recherche, innovation - La coopération Franco-Chinoise en mouvement », June 19th-20th 2014 in Beijing.
- 08 January 2014 - Presentation of IMMUNOCAN to the Nordic Center:
Presentation of IMMUNOCAN to the Nordic Center, a collaboration platform between Scandinavia universities and Fudan University, January 8th 2014 in Shanghai.
- 18 January 2013 - Immunocan Young Investigator Award 2013:
IMMUNOCAN network announces the launch of the IMMUNOCAN Young Investigator Award 2013. Recognize and reward early career scientists for research excellence and potential on immunology and oncology. See full details (PDF).
- 16 January 2013 - 2013 International Conference:
The 1st Euro-Asian Expert Conference on Immune Biomarkers for Personalized Medicine in Oncology – 2 nd Forum for Translational Medicine will combine the united effort of all partners organizations to continue positioning multidisciplinarity and personalized medicine as the ways forward to best improve the treatment of cancer patients.
» Full program, including speakers (PDF)
Conference Chairpersons:
- Professor Zhimin SHAO, Head of Fudan University Cancer Institute, Head of the surgical department and breast cancer department of FDUSCC, Director of Chinese Anti-Cancer Association Professional Committee of breast cancer, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
- Professor Wolf-Hervé FRIDMAN, Director of Cordeliers Research Center, University Paris-Descartes, Head of the Immunology unit at European Georges Pompidou Hospital, Paris, France
- 09 October 2012 - First EU-China Joint Laboratories Workshop:
The European Delegation in China is planning to organize on November 13th 2012 (afternoon) and 14th (morning) the "First EU-China Joint Laboratories Workshop" to bring together representatives from joint laboratories operating in China.
- 30 August 2012 - IMMUNOCAN presentation at the 4th China Clinical Trials Outsourcing Congress on September 18th 2012
- 09 May 2012 - Summer School, Shanghai July 9th-12th 2012:
The 2012 IMMUNOCAN Summer School on Clinical Flow Cytometry provides a practical, in-depth, exposure to many aspects of flow cytometry. Flow Cytometry is a powerful tool in modern biology. The applications are numerous, and have contributed to many fields including by virology, immunology, and molecular biology.
This course begins with introductory flow cytometry and progresses through development and design of multicolor panels. Afternoon sessions will include hands-on training in applications and training on FACS Canto II.
More cutting-edge applications of flow cytometry will be presented.
Informal exchange of ideas and the development of new contacts will be facilitated by a welcoming evening reception.
- 07 January 2012 - Official kick-off meeting in Shanghai: March 28th 2012:
Official kick-off meeting in Shanghai on March 28th 2012: Chinese version (PDF) - English version (PDF)
- 07 January 2012 - Website creation:
The Immunocan website was created on January 2012 by Herve Hager and Benoit Heller, Transgene.